Monday, May 28, 2012


Recipe Ingredients: 
  • 100 gr glutinous rice flour 
  • 375 grams of coconut and a half old, shredded
  • 125 grams sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 150 cc coconut milk
  • Red dye to taste 
  • Banana leaves to taste

How to Make:
  1. Preheat the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees centigrade. Prepare a flat baking sheet and leaves, basting with oil and set aside. 
  2. Cook the coconut milk with sugar, salt, and vanilla until the sugar has dissolved, remove from heat.
  3. Prepare glutinous rice flour and coconut in a container, pour the coconut milk gradually while diuleni until blended.
  4. Take 1 tablespoon of coconut dough, then flatten round 1 cm thick, arrange on a baking sheet. Perform on all materials. 
  5. Bake in oven until lightly browned, turn, lift and serve. 

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