Thursday, April 19, 2012


Recipe Ingredients: 
  • 150 g bean, cut into 2 cm boiled 
  • 150 g spinach leaves are picked, boiled
  • 50 g leaves of marigolds, boiled
  • 50 g of bean sprouts, remove the roots
  • 100 g carrots, peeled, cut like matchsticks, boiled 
  • An old half-coconut, peeled, grated lengthwise

Subtle Spice:
  • 4 pcs red chili 
  • 2 red onions
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 teaspoon chopped kencur
  • 3 kaffir lime leaves lbr 
  • Salt and sugar to taste

How to Make:   
  1. Boil beans, spinach, marigolds leaves, bean sprouts and carrots until done and drain. 
  2. Mix the ground spices with grated coconut, steamed 20 minutes to make it more durable.
  3. Mix the vegetables with coconut and stir well. 
  4. Serve

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