Sunday, April 22, 2012

Oseng-Oseng Kangkung

Recipe Ingredients: 
  • 1 clove garlic 
  • 2 red onions
  • ½ kg small shrimp
  • 6-10 poached quail egg
  • 3-5  Kangkung bundle
  • Salt to taste
  • Soy sauce to taste
  • Sugar to taste
  • Sufficient water 
  • Vegetable oil for frying to taste

How to Make:  
  1. Heat the vegetable oil. Saute onion and garlic until golden brown color 
  2. Enter the shrimp, stir-fry until cooked. Add kangkung and quail egg, then add salt, soy sauce, sugar, and water.
  3. Close the pan 5 minutes or until wilted kangkung. 
  4. Lift and serve.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Buntil Daun Singkong

Recipe Ingredients: 
  • 200 g tempeh, flush with boiled water, 1 teaspoon salt coat, wrapped in banana leaves, leave overnight.
  • 250 grams of young cassava leaves, dip the boiling water, drain.
  • 1/2 young coconuts, grated.
  • 150 gr banana chinese / lamtoro seeds.
  • Salt and brown sugar

Fine materials:
  • 6 red onions
  • 5 cloves garlic
  • 5 pcs red chili
  • 1 teaspoon toasted coriander
  • 1/2 tsp chopped kencur
  • 1 tablespoon minced ginger

Coconut milk Coconut seasoning (mix So one):
  • 500 cc coconut milk from 1 coconut
  • 2 bay leaves lmbr
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 5 pcs red chilies, 5 cloves garlic puree with red
  • 1 teaspoon toasted coriander

How to Make:  
  1. Tempe in coarse mash. Mix with spices, grated coconut, banana china, salt and brown sugar. 
  2. For cassava leaves into 5 parts. Layout of each section on a cutting board to the meeting.
  3. Flatten 1-2 tablespoons mixed with cassava leaves cover tempeh, and tempeh mixture. Roll over, put the bay leaves, and wrapped in banana leaves. Steam 1 hour until cooked, let cool.
  4. Enter the knapsack mature into seasoned coconut milk and cook over low heat 30 minutes. 
  5.  Lift and serve.


Recipe Ingredients: 
  • 300 gr beef, cut into 
  • 100 grams of bean sprouts
  • Lbr 2 bay leaves
  • Lbr 4 lime leaves
  • 1 stalk lemongrass, crushed
  • 6 cups water
  • 2 cm galangal / laos, crushed 
  • salt and pepper to taste

Subtle spice:
  • 4 red onions 
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 4 items hazelnut
  • 3 pieces kluwek, take it 
  • 2 red chilies

How to Make:  
  1. Heat oil, saute ground spices until fragrant with lemon grass, galangal, lime leaves and bay leaves. Add salt and pepper to taste. 
  2. Enter the cuts of beef and spices in a pan containing 6 cups of water. Boil until cooked and tender beef. When the water dries, add more to taste. 
  3. Serve with bean sprouts sprinkled on top and garnish with lime leaves. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Sop Kaki Sapi

Material Content:
  • 1/4 kg beef leg
  • 1 bg tomatoes
  • 1 pcs of potatoes
  • 1sdm cumin oil
  • 1 stalk spring onion
  • 1 stalk celery
  • 1 pc lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp fried onions
  • 2.5 ltr water

Gravy Ingredients:
  • 1/2 liter of liquid milk
  • 4 pieces of red onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg smooth
  • 5 cloves
  • 5 cinnamon stalk
  • 2 cm ginger, crushed
  • Salt and pepper to taste

How to make:
  1. Boil cows feet until tender. Lift and cut into pieces according to taste. Separate the broth as much as 2 liters of water.
  2. Thinly sliced ​​tomatoes, green onions and celery. Potatoes cut into squares and fry briefly if preferred.

  1. Puree the onion and garlic. Boil 2 liters of cow's foot kalsu that have been separated.
  2. Enter the ginger, nutmeg, scengkeh, cumin oil, cinnamon, onion celery  and  leaves.
  3. Then pour the liquid milk with salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Cook until sauce boils. Lift and serve.

Sop Buntut

Recipe Ingredients: 
  • 1 kg beef tail, cut into segments according to 
  • 200 g carrots, cut into round
  • 2 pcs tomatoes, slivered
  • 5 stalks celery, cut into small pieces
  • 5 stalk green onion, sliced ​​into small pieces
  • 1.5 tsp pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 2 tablespoons fried onions
  • Enough water, to boil 
  • Salt to taste

How to Make:  
  1. Boil head of cattle in a large pot, add salt. 
  2. Once soft and cooked, separate the cows in another pot and measure the broth as much as 1.5 liters. If not, add enough water so that there is a desired amount.
  3. Enter the cows are separated into a pot with broth and cook until boiling.
  4. Put carrots, tomatoes, green onions, celery, pepper, and nutmeg.
  5. Cook until all ingredients cooked, remove from heat and serve with a sprinkling of fried onions. 
  6. Serve while hot.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Opor Daging

Recipe Ingredients: 
  • 1/2 kg potatoes (medium size) 
  • 1/2 kg beef, cut a little thin
  • 6 gelas/1500 cc coconut milk from 2 coconuts
  • 1 piece galangal, crushed 
  • Cooking oil to taste

Subtle Spice:
  • 10 red onions 
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 1 teaspoon coriander, toasted
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon salt 
  • 1 tsp shrimp paste

How to Make:    
  1. Peel potatoes, cut into circular and slightly thick. Then fry the potatoes until half cooked. Remove and drain. 
  2. Heat a little oil. Saute until fragrant.
  3. Enter the cuts of beef and stir until blended.
  4. Pour the coconut milk and cook until meat is tender / soft and oily coconut milk. Then, Put potatoes. But do not cook until the potatoes are soft telalu. 
  5. Pick up and serve.


Recipe Ingredients: 
  • 150 g bean, cut into 2 cm boiled 
  • 150 g spinach leaves are picked, boiled
  • 50 g leaves of marigolds, boiled
  • 50 g of bean sprouts, remove the roots
  • 100 g carrots, peeled, cut like matchsticks, boiled 
  • An old half-coconut, peeled, grated lengthwise

Subtle Spice:
  • 4 pcs red chili 
  • 2 red onions
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 teaspoon chopped kencur
  • 3 kaffir lime leaves lbr 
  • Salt and sugar to taste

How to Make:   
  1. Boil beans, spinach, marigolds leaves, bean sprouts and carrots until done and drain. 
  2. Mix the ground spices with grated coconut, steamed 20 minutes to make it more durable.
  3. Mix the vegetables with coconut and stir well. 
  4. Serve

Semur Daging

Recipe Ingredients: 
  • 1/2 pounds ground beef, wash and slice the size of 1/2 cm 
  • 4 tablespoons margarine
  • 500 cc of water
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce 
  • fried onions

Subtle Spice:
  • 4 red onions 
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg 
  • 1 teaspoon salt

How to Make:  
  1. Melt the margarine. Saute the spices. Enter the cut of meat. Fry until the meat into half-ripe and juicy. 
  2. Enter the soy sauce and water. Cook until meat is tender. 
  3. Lift. Sprinkle with fried onions and serve.

Sayur Gambas

Recipe Ingredients: 
  • 700 cc chicken broth 
  • 3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
  • 5 cloves under the red, thinly sliced
  • 10 pieces of fish cake, cut 2
  • 2 leeks, cut into pieces
  • 2 pieces of squash, cut 2, cut into 2 parts 
  • 2 carrots fruit
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon pepper
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • 100 g rice noodles, pour in hot water 
  • 2 tablespoons fried onions

How to Make:   
  1. Boil chicken broth. Add the garlic, onion, fish cake, green onions, carrots, and squash. 
  2. Add salt, pepper, and sugar. Cook until done.
  3. Enter the vermicelli and cook briefly. 
  4. Lift and serve with a sprinkling of fried onions. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Semur Jawa

Recipe Ingredients:  
  • 500 gr beef 
  • 500 cc of broth chicken / beef
  • 1 tomato, sliced
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce
  • Salt and pepper to taste 
  • Cooking oil to taste

  • 5 red onions 
  • 5 cloves garlic
  • 5 hazelnut
  • 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/2 tsp coriander seeds, roasted, mashed

How to Make:  
  1. Boil until cooked beef, sliced ​​into pieces, then crushed. 
  2. Heat the cooking oil. Saute meat, spices, and tomatoes until smooth.
  3. Add salt, pepper, and soy sauce. Pour the broth and cook, stirring frequently, until boiling. 
  4. Lift and serve.

Sayur Bobor

Recipe Ingredients:  
  • 1 bunch of spinach 
  • 1 bunch of basil
  • 1 chayote fruit
  • 150 g tempeh, cut into cubes
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 cm galangal, crushed
  • 1 ltr coconut milk 1/3 coconut
  • Salt and sugar to taste

  • 6 red onions 
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1 teaspoon coriander 
  • 1/2 tsp chopped kencur

How to Make:   
  1. Coconut milk boil, put spices, tempeh, and galangal.
  2. After a half-baked tempeh, enter the squash, spinach and basil. with salt and sugar to taste, stir, cook until done. 
  3. Lift and serve

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Recipe Ingredients:  
Lupis materials

  • 1 ltr glutinous rice, wash and drain. 
  • 1 tablespoon water whiting 
  • 1/2 grated coconut 
  • 1/4 tsp fine salt 
  • Banana leaves, for wrapping 
  • Banana leaves, cut into pieces as wide as 8 cm

Sugar syrup:

  • 300 g brown sugar 
  • 3 tablespoons granulated sugar 
  • 125 cc of water 
  • 1 pandan leaf lbr

How to Make:   
  1. Give sedik glutinous rice with whiting, and mix well. 
  2. Double banana leaf cone-shaped on one side. Fill it with glutinous rice about 2 tablespoons, flatten and turn the rest of the leaf next to the open cover and insert to form a triangle. tie with string so that it does not break.
  3. Boil the water for 4 hours. drain and cool.
  4. Serve with grated coconut with sugar syrup.

Sugar syrup:

  • Sebus all ingredients until thick sugar syrup is then filtered. 


Recipe Ingredients:  
  • 300 g glutinous rice flour
  • 75 cc of water leaves suji (pandan leaves)
  • 2 tsp water whiting (if any)
  • 100 g brown sugar (the iris)
  • 1/4 coconut, grated and steamed with 1/4 tsp salt for 15 minutes

How to Make:  
  1. Stir flour with water leaves suji  little bit, put betel water.
  2. Knead until the dough can be rounded , filled with slices of brown sugar, round it off again.
  3. Boil water in a large saucepan. klepon enter into it, wait for it to float.
  4. Lift and Roll klepot in grated coconut. Serve.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Mata Kebo

Recipe Ingredients:  
  • 300 g white glutinous rice flour 
  • 100 gr flour tangmien 
  • 1 teaspoon salt 
  • 200 ml of water 
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil 
  • 2 pieces of banana leaf 
  • red dye to taste

Material Content:

  • 50 ounces green beans, peeled, steamed, and mashed 
  • 100 ml thick coconut milk 
  • 100 grams of sugar 
  • 1/2 tsp salt 
  • Cook all ingredients

How to Make:  
  1. Mix the glutinous rice flour, flour tangmien, red dye and water. Stir well. 
  2. Fill dough with fine green beans. Spherical shape and insert it into the mold. 
  3. Steamed and then spread with oil. 
  4. Lift.  
  5. Give the banana leaf mat.


Recipe Ingredients:  
  • 200 g flour (corn starch) 
  • 1/2 coconut, grated
  • Salt to taste
  • Enough hot water 
  • Red food coloring, and green taste.

How to Make:   
  1. Mix corn starch with enough hot water. Knead. 
  2. Spherical shape of a marble, boiled samapai mature. Once cooked, remove the stew cendil earlier, and then in put in cold water for cooking, so it does not stick together. if you want to color, to give the dough a bit before rounding. 
  3. Sprinkle grated coconut on cendil have until blended. if you want a little sweet, it can also be sown sugar when presented

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Nagasari Pandan

Recipe Ingredients:  
  • 200 grams of white rice flour 
  • 350 ml coconut milk 
  • 1 teaspoon salt 
  • 100 grams sugar 
  • 1 pandan leaf 
  • 2 pieces of banana leaf 
  • 2 bananas, sliced ​​thin

How to Make:  
  1. Combine flour  white rice, coconut milk, salt, sugar and pandan leaves. 
  2. Stir. then cook until thickened.
  3. Take a banana leaf. Then fill with dough and banana. Wrap. 
  4. Steam for 15 minutes. Lift and Serve

Bakwan Jagung

Recipe Ingredients:  
  • 2 pieces of sweet corn, coarse comb 
  • 200 g shrimp, peeled and roughly chop the flesh
  • 50 grams of wheat flour
  • 25 grams of rice flour
  • 2 stalks celery, sliced
  • 2 leeks, thinly sliced
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 200 ml of water
  • cooking oil to taste

Subtle Seasoning recipe Bakwan Sweet Corn:

  •  4 red onions 
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1/2 tsp pepper round 
  • salt to taste

How to Make:   
  1. Place the spices in a container, pour water, and mix well. Enter the flour and rice flour and stir well. Enter the remaining corn and other ingredients, mix well. 
  2. Heat enough cooking oil over medium heat, fry the dough bakwan spoonful after spoonful of up to mature. Remove and drain. 


Recipe Ingredients: 
  • 300 gr starch 
  • 100 grams of brown sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 150 ml of hot water
  • 100 gr grated coconut (steamed)

How to Make: 
  1. Mix flour, brown sugar, salt, then flush with hot water. stir.
  2. grab a spoon
  3. Roll in grated coconut. serve.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Pisang Pandan

Recipe Ingredients:
  • 650 ml coconut milk from 1 coconut
  • 100 ml of water leaves suji from 30 leaves 2 suji and pandanus leaves -
  • 2 drops of green dye
  • 150 grams of sugar 
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 250 grams of rice flour
  • 50 grams corn starch
  • 300 ml coconut milk from 1/4 coconut 
  • 2 bananas, cut thick round 1/2 cm

How to Make: 
  1. Combine coconut milk, water leaves dark green dye sujim, sugar, salt and rice flour. 
  2. Cook over low heat, stirring frequently, until bubbling and thick. Lift.
  3. Mix corn starch with coconut milk. Stir well.
  4. Enter into the rice flour mixture. Stir until shiny.
  5. Immediately pour in a 22x22x4 cm baking dish and spread with a thin plastic dialas oil.
  6. Tata banana horns on it. Press sedikt. 
  7. Steam 30 minutes over medium heat until cooked.

serabi durian

Recipe Ingredients:
  • 300 g white rice flour 
  • 200 ml of water 
  • 1 teaspoon salt

sauce ingredients:
  • 100 gr sugar durian
  • 50 gr palm sugar
  • 50 ml of water

How to Make:  
  1. Mix all ingredients. stir well. and let stand for 15 minutes. 
  2. Preheat the mold. then pour the batter. cook until done. lift.
  3. Make the sauce by mixing durian, palm sugar and water and cook. 
  4. Pour the sauce on the pancake durian is ripe.

Sayur Bening

Recipe Ingredients:
  • 750 cc of water 
  • 2 pcs of sweet corn, cut round
  • 2 pcs squash, cut a rectangle
  • 1 bunch spinach leaves
  • 2 red onions, thinly sliced
  • 3 cm retrieval key, thinly sliced 
  • salt and sugar to taste

How to Make:  
  1. Boil water in a medium saucepan, boil the corn with red onion slices and  key Intersection.
  2. Enter enter the corn after being cooked squash then cover the pan for 5 minutes. then enter the leaf of spinach.
  3. Dab salt and sugar. simmer until cooked.
  4. Remove and serve

Sayur Lodeh

Recipe Ingredients:
  • 200 g young jackfruit 
  • 150gr long beans
  • 1 pc eggplant, cut into 2-4 parts so
  • 50 ounces leaf melinjo
  • 75 g of fruit melinjo
  • 5 green chilies, slivered 2
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 tablespoons dried shrimp, washed, drained
  • 2 cm galangal, crushed
  • 1 ltr coconut milk
  • 250 cc coconut milk
  • 7 red onions, mashed 
  • salt and sugar to taste

How to Make: 
  1. Boil young nagka liquid until cooked with coconut milk. enter the red onion, salt, sugar, dried shrimp, bay leaves and galangal. 
  2.  Insert a row, string beans, green peppers, fruit melinjo and eggplant and leaf melinjo, add condensed Santal. 
  3. Cook until everything is cooked. Lift and hidanggkan.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Sayur Asem

Recipe Ingredients:
  • 100 grams of fruit melinjo 
  • 100 grams of peanuts, washed, drained
  • 2 pcs of fresh corn, cut into round slices
  • 1 pc squash, cut into small
  • 7 bean stalk, cut into 4 cm
  • 50 gr melinjo leaves, chopped
  • 3 great chili
  • 3 pcs hazelnut
  • 3 pcs red onions
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 20 grams of tamarind
  • 50 grams of brown sugar
  • 2 pcs red tomatoes, cut into pieces
  • Lbr 2 bay leaves
  • 2 galangal, crushed

How to Make: 
  1.   Crushed great chili, hazelnut, onion, garlic, and salt. 
  2. Melinjo poached fruit, peanuts, and corn until tender.
  3. Enter the spice paste.
  4. Add tamarind, brown sugar, tomatoes, bay leaves, and galangal.
  5. Cook until cooked flavor.
  6. Enter the squash and beans.
  7. Cook until done. Finally, enter the leaf melinjo. 
  8. Cook briefly, remove from heat.


Recipe Ingredients:

  • 1 piece of tofu, fried and diced 
  •  50 grams of bean sprouts, brewed with hot water 
  • 100 grams of rice noodles, pour in hot water
  •  2 cloves garlic    
  • 1 pc red pepper     
  • 2 pieces of cayenne pepper   
  • 50 grams of peanuts, fried  
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  •  1 teaspoon onion 
  • 50 grams of onion crackers, fried 
  • 3 tablespoons tamarind water 
  • salt to taste
  •  soy sauce to taste 
  • oil for frying

How to Make: 
  1. Peanut, garlic, red pepper and cayenne pepper on the grind until smooth, then add the tamarind water, salt and soy sauce to taste.
  2.  dissolved in a little water and stir until evenly put in a dish out, bean sprouts and rice noodles, then pour the peanut sauce, then sprinkle with fried onions and crackers

Lontong Sayur

Ingredients for Lontong:
  • 500 g of rice, rinsed and drained 
  • banana leaf
  • toothpick

For the vegetables:
  • 3 tablespoons cooking oil
  • 1 stalk lemongrass, white part, minced
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 cm ginger, crushed
  • 300 g shrimp, peeled
  • 500 g squash, cut into julienne strips
  • 20 banana, halved
  • 1250 ml of coconut milk that is not too thick
  • 2 tomatoes, thinly sliced

  • 3 cloves garlic
  • salt to taste

How To Create Lontong :
  1. Roll the banana leaf bebentuk cylinder with a diameter of 3 cm. Hook one end with a toothpick. 
  2. Enter hinga rice 3/4 high leaf. Close with toothpicks pinning. 
  3. Arrange in pan and pour the water until completely submerged. 
  4. Cook for 4-6 hours, Cook for 4-6 hours, until cooked rice cake mature.
  5.  During cooking do not let the water dry.

How To Make Vegetable:
  1. Heat oil and saute the garlic, salt, lemon grass, bay leaves, and galangal to fragrant. 
  2. Add shrimp and shrimp stir to change color. 
  3. Enter squash, banana and tomato. Stir well. Pour coconut milk. 
  4. Stir occasionally until sauce is not broken and cook until all cooked. Lift.

Cut into pieces rice cake in a bowl and pour the vegetables over it.

Es Cendol

Recipe Ingredients:
  • 125 g of rice flour 
  • 50 g of corn starch
  • 75 cc of water pandan leaves / leaf suji
  • 450 cc of water 
  • salt to taste

Supplementary Materials:
  • 200 gr brown sugar / palm sugar, boiled with 125 cc of water until dissolved and viscous 
  • 500 cc coconut milk

How to Make: 
  1. Mix rice flour and corn starch, then dilute with 200 cc of water. 
  2. Cook 250 cc of water with salt and pandan leaves water / water suji.
  3. Put flour into the liquid is boiling water, stir, and cook until cooked and thickened.
  4. Filter with filter cendol dough (round-shaped on the surface of the filter) while holding-press that came out in the form of short round.
  5. Cendol capacity is already strained in a pan of boiled water containing ice-filled. if cendol already hardened, strain and set aside. 
  6. Serve with ice cendol pour sugar syrup and coconut milk. add the ice. 

Wajik Ketan

Recipe Ingredients:
  • 1 ltr glutinous 
  • 2 cups coconut milk
  • 1 cup brown sugar / palm sugar in puree
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon salt 
  • 1 pandan leaves

How to Make: 
  1. Clean and wash the sticky rice and soak for 1 hour. 
  2. Steamed until half cooked, pour in hot water. then steamed until cooked.
  3. Cook coconut milk, palm sugar / brown sugar, granulated sugar and pandan leaves. after heavy lifting, put the cooked sticky rice.
  4. Stir well so that the sticky adhesive and dry. pour in a mold lined with banana leaves and covered with oil.
  5.  Press with a spoon or a leaf up to 1 cm thick. let it cool. 
  6. After the cold in slices and serve.

Es Cincau

Recipe Ingredients:
  • grass jelly 
  •  200 gr brown sugar / palm sugar
  • 100 cc of water
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 coconut 
  • grated ice to taste

How to Make: 
  1.  sugar boiled with 100 cc of water, and cook until a thick syrup.
  2. fuel coconut at the moment. and grated coconut and make coconut milk. give a little salt.
  3. grass jelly into small pieces, put into a glass until half full. give the coconut milk, sugar syrup and shaved ice. 
  4. ready to serve.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Recipe Ingredients:
  • 100 grams of pomegranate seeds (Chinese girlfriend)
  • 200 grams of peanuts, boiled and then discard the skin
  • 100 g green beans, boiled
  • 1000 grams sugar
  • 1 vertebra finger ginger
  • 5 pieces of white bread, sliced ​​small dice

How to Make:
  1. Boiled pomegranate seeds or girlfriend china until tender, remove and drain.
  2. Mix water, sugar and ginger. cook until boiling. lift, then strain the water.
  3. Sekoteng served in a bowl. put 2 tablespoons pomegranate seeds, 2 tablespoons peanuts and green beans, and sliced ​​bread. then flush with water that has been cooked ginger.

Puli Rainbow Coconut Milk Sauce

Recipe Ingredients: 
  • 300 gr white glutinous rice (steamed cooked) 
  • ¼ tsp pandan paste 
  • ¼ teaspoon red food coloring young
  • 100 gr grated coconut (steamed) 
  • 1 teaspoon salt 

sauce ingredients:
  • 100 ml thick coconut milk and 50 grams of brown sugar / palm sugar, cooked.

How to Make:  
  1. For the sticky rice into three parts. 
  2. The one given the pandan paste. The second red. and a third let alone white.
  3. Collated into a mold. steamed 10 minutes. lift.
  4. Coconut and serve with sauce Paruta saint.

Wedang Jahe

Recipe Ingredients: 
  • 1 ltr of water
  • 100 grams sugar
  • 2 pcs of ginger, crushed
  • 1 lbr pandan leaves, cut into pieces

How to Make: 
  1. mix all ingredients and simmer until boiling.
  2. stir until sugar is dissolved, and pandan leaves to wither. add sugar if not sweet.
  3. serve while warm.

Rondo Sweet

Recipe Ingredients: 
  • 300 g white glutinous rice flour 
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 300 ml of water 
  • 100 grams of sweet violet (steamed mashed) 

Material Content:
  • 150 ml of water 
  • 200 g roasted peanuts (mashed with 100 grams sugar)

How to Make: 
  1. mix sweet potatoes, purple, white glutinous rice flour, salt and water. mix well 
  2. take a little dough. fill with beans, a spherical shape
  3. heat the water. then enter the batter. cook until it floats 
  4. lift. and serve

Young Coconut Palm Sugar Ice

Recipe Ingredients: 
    • 1 btr young coconut
    • 100 ml sugar syrup

    Ingredients Sugar Syrup
    • 200 gr palm sugar / brown sugar 
    • 200 ml of water 
    • boil all ingredients until sugar dissolves. Filter. chill

    How to Make: 
    1. rake young coconut meat, put it in a container with the coconut water. 
    2. Give sugar syrup. Serve with ice cubes to taste.

    Serabi Pandan

    Recipe Ingredients: 
    • 350 grams of white rice flour 
    • 200 ml of water
    • 1sdt salt 
    • 5 leaves suji (mash and squeeze the juice) 

    Sauce Ingredients:
    • 100 ml thick coconut milk 
    • 50 gr palm sugar

    How to Make: 
    1. Mix all ingredients. stir and let stand for 15 minutes.
    2. preheat the mold. pour the batter, and cook until done.
    3.  lift, pour coconut milk sauce. serve 

    Tuesday, April 3, 2012

    Acar Telur

    Recipe Ingredients: 
    • Chicken eggs as needed

    Seasoning Mashed
    • 3 seeds pecan
    • 2 pieces of red chillies in the split-split
    • 1 tablespoon lime juice
    • 4 cloves of chopped onion in the rough

     How to Make:
    1.  Hazelnut puree and stir-fry chili and onions.
    2.  Add water and lemon juice until fragrant let.
    3. Bring to a boil with the eggs that are boiled first and peeled.
    4. Keep the fire small, somewhat removed when it is dry.